Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's been a while...

Well, It's been a long while since the last time I came here to post anything. Let's just say, I've been really busy.

Today, we went for a short walk that should have taken about an hour. As it turns out, we had a three and a half hour walk around our beautiful lake. It was the Lollygaggers first time walking all the way around, and I admit, I was sure I would have to share in the task of carrying her home. To my surprise, she was full of energy the entire time.

I, on the other hand, flopped on the couch as soon as we got home and I haven't moved since.

We took pictures on out three hour tour and I thought I should share. So, here they are:

Aaaaahhh, the Lake, the Trees, the Hills.

...and the Ducks.
We have Thistle growing wild all over the Lake.
We thought this was like a mini Stonehenge, what's your take?

I know this looks like a bunch of worms, but it's not. It's grass of some sort growing in the water.

This was something new. We were just at this spot the other day and it wasn't here. Glad it was. It makes a good picture.

There are loads of these hornets nesting in the ground. It's best to have shoes on while strolling at the lake.
These trees have been in the water for several years now. With the fire hazards on our mountain, you would think they would have been removed by now.
...and here she is. Wasn't it just yesterday she could barely hang from bars like this? Now she's climbing on the top of the bars.
Well, it was good to catch up a bit. I suppose I'll need to whip out the 'ol Girl Scout Pledge and promise to post more often.
On my honor, I will try to do my dutym to serve God and my Country, and uphold the Girl Scout laws.
Is that how it goes?