Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Meno... pause

Last week I received a text message from my older sister. She wrote, "I've just been missing you a lot lately."

Rather than feeling as though I've been missed, I got a feeling that she was sad. Sometimes I can be rather intuitive and surprise myself, and other times I only think I'm rather intuitive and be more wrong than I could have been had I simply made things up to suit the moment. In fact, sometimes I can almost predict the future! Well, not really, but I have a great story I'll tell later.

Anyway, in this case, I was right. She was feeling the blues.

I was aware she's been suffering a case of peri-menopause for the past year, and not feeling too good about it, but didn't know she was feeling depressed about it. I hope it's not a sign of things to come because I'm just starting the whole "hot flash" thing, and it isn't pretty. In fact, it's enough to drive a woman to madness...

As with my poor sister, it's an off and on thing: I sit on the couch under a blanket that's tucked up under my chin. For good measure, I have on a sweater and a pair of thick socks to help combat the freezing temperatures in the house that, for some odd reason, I'm the only one who feels. Without warning, I'm instantly overcome with heat, which makes me break into a sweat on my chest and the back of my neck. But through the hot flash, my nose is cold.

In the middle of the night, I wake up feeling like I'll be sick from the overwhelming heat. I peel off whatever it is I'm wearing and lash out at my poor husband for having the nerve to touch me with a hand that is, without question, at least 90*. Then, just when I'm sure I'll spontaneously combust, I'm suddenly cold again and want to crawl into the microwave for an instant shot of heat. At that moment, I don't even care that I could blow up in the microwave.

...hmm, I guess it is a sign of things to come. See; crazy talk.

Here. This sums it all up:

I'll send this to her to see if it correlates with what she's been going through.

What about you? Any correlation or are you lucky enough to be symptom free and too young to care?

Let us now "pause" for a moment of silence for the idiot frog in the microwave.

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