Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dove vs- Dog

In my last post I explained how the Lollygagger applied enough make up to her face to canvas an entire population of clowns and their descendants for years to come.

In the process of washing her face with a dehydrated sliver of soap, which turned into a wrestling match, some of the Dove soap splintered and crumbled to the floor. By the end of the multiple face washings, I was sweaty and tired, so instructed the Lollygagger to please rescue the scraps of soap from the floor, and either replace it in the soap dish, or preferably, toss it in the trash.

As a person, I would have expected the soap pieces to have been thrown into the trash. As a mother of a hilarious 5 year old, who loves to invent new ways to amaze me, I should have known better. She made a sculpture of the remainder of the soap. However, some of the very tiny pieces remained on the floor.

The next morning, my dog came in to rest her head on my lap. Yes, she rests her head on my lap every time I go in for a pee. Sorry you had to hear that.

When she was exiting the bathroom, she must have smelled something nice, because she sniffed around until she could locate the source. She found it and began to lick up what I soon realized were the bits of Dove soap that were left behind from the previous days adventure.

I asked her what she found on the floor that was so tasty. She turned her head, still licking her lips as pink soap chips were falling from her flapping jowls. I tried to keep her from eating the rest, but she must have really liked it. I wasn't strong enough to pull her away and she was being quite stubborn about it. Before I knew it, she gobbled down every tiny piece of pink soap she could reach.

Later that morning, she had a tummy ache. I could tell, because she was pacing... back and forth... back and forth. When she was let out, she ran for the ditch and didn't emerge for at least 5 minutes. This routine repeated it self all afternoon. The part that makes me scratch my head is, she kept going back each time she returned from a bought of diarrhea to see if there were any soap pieces left.

What is it with dogs and their poor gastronomic choices?

Glad I 'm not a dog.

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