Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our Choices in life

Just over a week ago I was contacted by a friend who asked if I was enjoying my job. Truth be told, I have been enjoying it very much. But, call it being intrigued or just nosey, I had to ask "why, you have something better?" His answer was yes.

It took him about 10 minutes to fill me in on the details of his job. Wow, it sounded pretty good. His office is his living room, kitchen, or bed, and he sets his own hours during the week. He trains one-on-one for about four hours a day, on the days he wants to train. Sounds good, doesn't it? There's much more to it, but those items were the highlights of the job.

I say, if it sounds too good to be true, it's because it's not true. So, I spend the next 10 minutes trying to get him to fess up. What's the down side of this job? I quizzed him endlessly, trying to figure it out. Nothing. So, I take a different tack, and come up with my own version of what must be wrong with the job. Nope, he's not budging. There must be a good reason he's flaunting his spectacular job in my face, so I took the bate and asked him why he's being such a putz and teasing me about not having a job like his.

Turns out, there's another one just like his opening in the next day or two, and he wants me to be his co-trainer, and apply for it. It would be a promotion with an increase in pay. So, I figure, "what the hell, applying can't hurt anything" and forwarded my resume to him. He sent it to his manager, who sent it to the hiring manager, who called me for an interview, all within just a few days.

I went to the interview on a Thursday, heard from my friend on Friday that it went well, and will be hearing from his manager on Monday. He told me to have my letter of resignation typed and ready to go so I can hand it in on Tuesday.

So, here I am, at one of many crossroads in my life, wondering if this is the right thing to do. I already have a good thing going and happen to really enjoy myself. So, change? Why?

I suppose the time I spend in my office (living room, kitchen, or bed) could be traded for a few hours in my Lollygaggers Kindergarten classroom as a teachers helper. Or, maybe I could have more time to get to the dentist... yuck. Or, perhaps, I could clean my house once or twice. Hmm, what to do, what to do.

I think I'll take it. After all, what's the worst that can happen? I get fired during one of the worst economically defunct periods in America's history?, that is something to think about.

Why is change so frightening?

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