Monday, November 9, 2009

A very thirsty cat

A few weeks ago, I blogged about my disappointment in my deodorant falling apart on me. It was one of those solids that fall out of the container when it gets too near the end anyway.

Shortly after the crumbling of the deodorant, I switched to a dial up gel.

Do you remember my large barge of a cat, Murray? Well, Murray is a lover, who loves to bump his head into anything that he can rub against and call it affection. Although, if it smells good, he'll try to eat it and call it lunch. He loves to eat. Everything.

So, there I am in my bathroom getting ready for work. He comes in, hops onto the counter top and noses around, as usual. He discovers my new deodorant, which, of course, smells like flowers and fruit, and decides it smells good enough to eat. He knocked it over, rubbed his face on it, tried to chew the top off, and even clutched it in his paws and rolled around the counter top with it. So, I did what any good pet owner would do. I opened it for him!

The suction of the top being pulled off brought with it a healthy dose of gel. Wouldn't you know it, he licked off a blob of it, which sent him into a frenzied head-shaking, tongue-sagging, thirst. He leaped into the sink and attempted to wrestle a drop of water from the faucet, which was not forthcoming. When that failed, he b-lined to the toilet. The lid was shut, but that didn't deter him. He nosed up the lid and dove right in.

Now, I know any pet lover reading this is saying "I am not amused" right about now, but I'm tellin' ya. It was hilarious. After all, what animal is idiotic enough to eat something that is clearly wreaking of aluminum sulfate? I mean, flowers and fruit not withstanding, it smells like chemicals. Don't animals have a keen sense of smell? Only my dog, who makes poor digestive choices, would be so dumb. I guess they are kindred spirits somehow.

So, there you have it. Cats and Dogs really are related.

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