Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alabama bound?

The Lollygagger's brother recently met a Bonny wee lass. She's a few years older than he is, and thank heaven she's mature, intelligent, and polite. She reigns from Alabama, which oddly enough has come under consideration of where to uproot the family and move to. We've been talking about it for a few years now.

Why? Our lovely California has fallen from it's high horse and into a mess of politics, gang-bangers, and wanna be gang-bangers and I'm not convinced it's a healthy place to raise my Lollygagger.

So meeting her was just a coincidence, right?

It seems to be more than a mere coincidence. Try this on for size. The Lollygaggers daddy and I were looking at 88 acres of land in Alabama via the Internet. The Internet is a staple in my home these days. Can't get through the day without it anymore. Internet and Coffee.

But I digress.

This chunk of 88 acres was seriously looked at. I dreamt of the many things I could do with such a chunk of land. Returned to the website everyday for weeks looking at this little piece of heaven. But, things being what they are, there's really no way we could make such a move at this particular time in our lives. So it was forgotten.

Then Lollygaggers brother brings the Alabama girl home to meet the parents. We discover her parents had recently purchased a small farm. A small farm... as in 88 acres of land, small farm.

Is this weird? I wish I could remember what town the chunk of land was in that we were looking at, but no matter how much I rack my brain to remember, it's been forgotten. Never to be found in the dark corners of my memory again.

So, I must pose the question:

Is this mere coincidence, or is it a sign that we should be Alabama bound?

Well, we've been invited to go there for Christmas and meet her parents, so I'm thinkin' someone might be Alabama bound. Is Alabama our "density" or just his?

Yes, I said density. Didn't you ever see Back to the Future?

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