Monday, August 31, 2009

How do I love Tea. Let me count the ways.

It was December, 2005 when my sister and I were China bound. We went to meet the Lollygagger, and I was overwhelmed with fear, confusion, and joy.

What I thought would be a Kodak moment, was more like a scary movie; but that's another story.

There weren't many things we could share during our first few weeks together. She was scared out of her mind. I was a strange looking woman who she couldn't understand, and she wanted nothing more than for me to just go away.

For something to experience, the Lollygagger and I went to a Tea House and shared a Japanese Tea Service with another family who came to claim their own Lollygagger.

It was bliss.

We discovered our Lollygaggers could laugh and they both enjoyed a watered-down cup of tea. We could tell this was not their first cup. In fact, it was evident by the cup being drained and held up for more, that they both knew more about tea than the adopting families did.

That day in the Chinese Tea House was the start of something good. It's amazing how a steamy cup of tea can thaw so much icy tension.
Fast forward to present day -

I share my Lollygaggers love of tea. In fact, we own a Tea House as a result of this love of tea. We drink tea everyday, all day long. Can't get enough of it. We serve tea, we sell tea, tea accessories, and all edible things made of tea. We love tea.

We will forever love our tea time together; and I will always feel warmth and love for my Lollygagger with every tea pot filled with tea, every cup, every sip. Our tea time together will forever remind me of hearing her first laugh, and seeing her first smile. My cup runneth over.

-How does Tea Inspire you?

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