Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dressy Betsy

Do you remember the Dressy Betsy doll? She was the little doll with ribbons in the pig tails so you could learn how to tie a bow. She had snaps, buttons, zippers, and peek-a-boo kitties in the pockets.

Today, the Lollygagger was sent upstairs to put quarters in her piggy bank. When she came down stairs, much, much later than she should have, she was dressed in this.

Her daddy and I were surprised to see she had dressed herself completely, undies and all, in an outfit that was well matched. She pranced around, doing a sort of 1970's John Travolta, finger-pointing-disco dance in celebration of her achievement. Then, momma had to spoil it by wanting to take a picture.

Miss frown face was asked how she managed to get the outfit down from the top rung of her closet. "I jumped, of course."
...When did she get to be such a smart mouth?

The temptation was too great. I had to tell her.

"Ah, sweetness. Your skirt is backward."

She burst out with laughter. Just when I think she'll be mad at me for telling her about her skirt, she goes and surprises me with a hearty belly laugh. I love that about her. Full of surprises.

"Go ahead momma, take a picture of THAT!"

Though I wasn't quit sure if she meant the backward skirt or not, I went ahead and took the picture.

I must admit, she's subtle.

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