Sunday, October 11, 2009

Her Body Guard

During the past few years I've noticed how the Lollygagger's daddy watches over her...
like a body guard.

He looks left, he looks right, he looks ahead of where the Lollygagger happens to be.
She's never really out of his sight. But never really in his sight either.
He can somehow play with her, while ever vigilant in his duty to ensure no harm comes her way.
Truth is, we live in an area where there are a few shady characters, but mostly people who insist on allowing their dogs to run free with no regard to other people or their animals.
If their dogs remained at their owners side rather than running a muck and mowing down small children while chasing squirrels, it would be a different story. But, I guess that's a part of the give and take of mountain life.
Let's not forget the large numbers of coyotes we have roaming the area and running off with cats, dogs, and any other small animal they can catch. We cannot rule out the possibility of one being hungry enough to attack a small child.
Another truth is, he's an over protective daddy who will make her first boyfriend fear for his life. I'm already feeling sorry for him, whom ever he may be.
Good luck to you, you poor soul. Who ever you are.

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