Sunday, October 4, 2009


We live, as you may know, in California where it's dry and seems to attract psychopathic arsonists by the dozens.

It seems we are evacuated at least every three years for fires, and once for a flood that was so severe and devastating, it was the subject of one of the televised "Storm Stories" on our local channels.Well, it's been three years since our last fire which triggered our usual evacuation off the mountain. So, we wait and watch each fire with great interest.

Recently, we've had our share of wild fires in our immediate area. Our fires are so enormous, they make the Nations news. Yesterday, I spotted smoke issuing from the back side of our mountain. The smoke looked so close, it could have been in my little Mayberry town. Fortunately, it was coming from a different mountain all together.

The problem is, this is the same mountain that burned a few years ago, which, ultimately jumped the freeway that separates us and began to burn in our own backyard.
So, we watch.
...and we wait.
...and we hope.
Today I ask for positive thoughts and good vibes to be sent our way. This fire has already stolen the homes of our neighbors and threatens to take more before it's out.
Here's to happy thoughts.

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