Monday, September 28, 2009
My sister will never go to hell - part II
So, here's the bit that upsets me. He's been claiming he can't find a job because he can't read or write and has a severe case of dyslexia. So who wrote the note? I only found one word that was either a misspelling or another one of his "Wicken" things we can't understand. Not one word had a character that was written backwards. It was written in clear, comprehensive sentences. It was filled with his own incomprehensible stupidity, but it was clearly not written by the dyslexic illiterate he claims to be. It was not the handwriting of my wayward niece, so who wrote the note? I can only conclude it was written by the Sphincter himself.
So what about my Niece? What level of responsibility does she hold? I say all of it. I rest the entire situation on her shoulders. She had and still has the power to stop her sphincter husbands behavior and chooses not to. She fueled the fire by vomiting her spleen on her mother while holed up in her room with him.
She had an ear, attached to a shpincter, that would hang on her every word. She has been a spoiled, nasty little brat her entire life and has not changed. She spies the weakness in her mother others see as gentility and kindness, and she attacks it. She is contrary to her mother and has no plans to change it.
What about my sisters husband? Why didn't he give the little punks a smack down? Why do you think my niece is such a brat? He allows all levels of disrespect toward my sister because he doesn't like confrontation and he could never reprimand his little princess. He's a belly-footed mullusk. Spineless and cowardly.
Oh, geez. There I go again with the venom. Sorry you had to hear that.
I'm thankful I'm not as nice, it makes for a peaceful and harmonious life. So, will I go to hell because I'm willing to give a smack down when it's needed? Surely not.
If I do go to hell, I'll poke him in the eye when I find him.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My Sister will never go to hell - part I
a) 9 horses (only a few of which are hers, the others were dumped on her by an ailing neighbor who promised to pay for their expensive care, but hasn't)
b) 7 or 8 cats (most of which she has because her children move back home and don't seem to take the cats with them when they move back out).
c) 3 or 4 dogs (of which two belong to other people, one of which she rescued when the owner moved and locked up the dog in a house and left him to die there. It was discovered by a realtor weeks later still alive. The owner was her son-in-laws sister. She's a winner.)
d) her son, husband, and until recently, her youngest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson.
Though she's going broke to support them all and her house is only two bedrooms she never complains.
My sister has a heart of gold. She's way too nice for her own good. I try to encourage her to be more like me, but she refuses because she doesn't want to go to hell.
I don't think I'm going to hell, but compared to her, I'm more likely to go than she is. I mean I might say things like "your son-in-laws birth certificate was an apology from the condom company" but that shouldn't send me to hell, should it?
She supported her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson in her home for the first year of her grandson's life. The sphincter (son-in-law) claimed to be unable to read or write, and claimed a severe case of dyslexia and was incapable of reading a job application and certainly wasn't able to read the classified section. Blah, blah, blah. Excuses, excuses.
Then, without a word, the sphincter packed them up and moved to San Francisco. Not so much as a thank you or "F" you, they just left, without notice. The sphincter treated my sister with rudeness and malice during his sponging and never once had the courtesy of taking out the trash, let alone get a job.
Then, just as predicted, they called her and begged to return. Again, she's way too nice. Had it been me, the answer would have been a resounding NO! But she took them in again, with the full understanding they must both get jobs.
Before their retrun, he, the sphincter, had her daughter ask if his Nephew could come visit for a week before summers end, and like the good hearted lady she is, she said yes, believing at least one of them would have a job and help pay the nephews way as well as their own.
Can you see it coming?
Wait for it....
They moved in, never sought jobs, brought the nephew who stayed a month, never helped out around the house, displayed rude and resentful behavior, then after sucking the life out of my sister, and using up her last nickel, they moved again.
This time, the sphincter left a Thank You note. It read something like this:
1) You're a mean and rude bitch. (This was because she asked him to not pour coffee until it was finished brewing. Yeah, she's pretty mean.)
2) I'm placing you on 'probation' until your attitude changes. You will not be allowed to see my son for at least a year. (um, I thought he belonged to his wife too, my mistake.)
3) You and your son belong to the Keeper. (He claims to be a follower of Wicken, what ever that is. My sister called a Wicken chapter found on the Internet to ask what that meant. She was told the "Keeper" is in reference to Satanism and they do not subscribe to that line of thought.)
4) Your son is lazy. (That's rich!)
There's more to the appalling letter, but I don't have that calm and peaceful nature my sister does. If I continued to list the points of his "thank you" note, I might be compelled to track him down and poke him in the eye!
Whooh, that was an unleashing of anger, sorry. ...I'm better now.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Inside out and Backwards
However, I am much luckier than most moms. My husband is retired from the Army. We own two business, both of which he is primarily responsible for. He has the luxury of setting his own hours which, ensures the Lollygagger can sleep in if she wants, she can attend extracurricular activities at will, and she gets home with enough time to play outside and explore her world. He's a great man and is generous with the Lollygagger to a fault.
So, now that I've given the background on how much he does for her and with her, let me now fill you in on the level of proficiency he has in the area of dressing her and doing her hair.
The hair is usually brushed and tied in a pony tail with half of it falling out before she leaves the room. That's alright, it got brushed and I 'm good with that. If I get hold of her hair and braid it, it's even better. Why? Because he will leave the braid in her hair the next day too without ever having to brush it. He figures that's good enough. By the end of the day, she looks like a disheveled mess.
Do I complain? NO WAY. I know a good thing when I see it. I keep my mouth shut.
Then there's the clothing thing.
The other day he dressed her in a cute silky blouse that has a shell sewn in. I went to braid her long plat of hair and noticed the blouse didn't look right. On closer examination I realized it was unbuttoned, inside out, and backwards. Not to mention she had only one arm through the arm hole of the shell which was somehow on the inside of the inside out blouse.
Ya got all that?
Not wanting to hurt his feelings and point out this obvious inadequacy in his role as mommy, I kept my mouth shut and fixed the problem.
Last night, however, I had to say something. It was too funny not to. Not about the inside out and backward blouse, but about the tiny Cinderella undies he dressed her in that morning. I can't imagine how he could have thought they were on right, or why she didn't complain about it straight away, but this time he crossed a line I just couldn't shut up about.
Have you ever put on a pair of panties with the leg opening on your waist? No? Well, apparently some people do and can live with it just fine. Not me. If I had a constricting leg hole strangling my lower abdomen all day long, and riding up only one half of my butt, I think I'd go mad.
The Lollygagger lived with this the entire day and came home picking her seat for a full hour before complaining about it.
I couldn't stop laughing. I'm sorry to say, but it's true. I laughed my ass off at the plight of my baby with her too tight panties at the waist and the left side riding up the crack. I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard.
Really, I would have probably kept my mouth shut, but he came in to see what all the belly laughing was about. When I showed him, he was horrified... for about a second. He was soon laughing too and apologetic for having failed so miserably in such a critical aspect of his mothering. He told the Lollygagger he would be happy to do something to make up for her suffering. In his mind, he was thinking she may want to blow bubbles outside, or run to the lake to feed the ducks.
Without a word the Lollygagger went upstairs and returned with another pair of undies, handed them to him and said through a smile "here, you try it for a while."
She's too diabolical for her own good.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Signs of Mayberry
They are simple, not out landish or over the top in any way. They are modest and understated.
Our town has a sign for everything. Take this one for example. No one lives in this "Haven" but the house has a sign declairing it's ownership.
And this one. Our town does have Bears, but not on the Eastern part of town, and I'm pretty sure there are no Bears living in this house. Although, it has been known to entertain little girls and ladies, all with golden hair. Did Goldielocks have a last name? Was it Coeler?
Then, we have the sign for the Church. Like I said. Understated. No prideful neon sign here. No siree. Just a modest, simple, dull sign.
On occasion, we find signs of the store bought variety. These two have been here a while, but they still serve their purpose. Of all the signs in our little Mayberry town, this one is my favorite. This sign captures the essence and flavor of our life here in this small town. The businesses in our town don't have electric signs, they have the good 'ol fashioned shingle. And, sometimes those shingles are nailed to trees. And, sometimes those shingles are just not enough, thus requireing a sandwich board sign to help spread the word... CLOSED. I could go on and on about the signs in my town, but someone might hang a sign like this one on me. I love the signs of our Mayberry town.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sleeping Trees
What a wonder the world is to a small child.
In his explanation, the Lollygagger's daddy expressed the goodness of trees and the mirice they are. It brings to mind the poem by Alfred Joyce Kilmer:
"What a magnificent thing a tree is! A tiny seed falls into the lap of God’s earth; it rests its sleepy cheek on earth’s warm bosom and goes to sleep. After a time of slumber, it awakens and new life is birthed. The new world of light and rain and singing birds calls it to rise toward the sun. Programmed by its Maker, it feels and finds everything it needs; it gathers food from the dirt, nourishment from the rocks, drink from the earth’s streams and rain-soaked earth. It miraculously weaves each ray of sunshine until its coat is a living green. It bows and bends to the winds and storms; it stretches toward the rising sun; it raises its branches to the praise of its Creator; it spreads them out to bless the earth; it invites birds and animals to rest and raise their young among its boughs." ~Alfred Joyce Kilmer
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Stepford Stylists
Upon entering this new and as yet, untested salon, I was stunned to see seven stylist, all with platinum blond hair of varying degrees and styles. While the styles in themselves look spectacular, like super-model hair, the color was truly hideous. It was as if they were once hard-core goth-girls, gone the way of Blondie; only not actually blond, more like silvery-grey.
To complete the look, each of them wore the thick eyeliner that looked like they had recently been beaten, and five inch platform-type heels, that left them with the appearance of standing on their toes.
What rational human would choose to stand in such torturous and self denigrating foot ware all day long? Evaluating if this place might turn me into a Stepford drown or not, I opted to be a thrill seeker and risk my straw for the chance of getting a good style allowing me to call it "hair". To my surprise, the pay off was what I had hoped for.
It's true, no one can style my hair the way I like, but all-in-all, I walked out looking and feeling great.
The Santa Ana winds kicked up and whipped my hair back into a hideous mass of straw.
Damn -
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sweet things Lollygaggers Daddy does
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Fortune Cookie
She hoards the cookies and will dole them out herself when she is sure the rest of us have finished every drop of our perspective meals.
Christmas every day at home
The Lollygagger has joined the game of tearing into the mail, no matter what it is, and claiming the prize inside.
The thrill of opening the mail, is her own little Christmas she gets to have every day. Look at the level of focus and concentration she exerts in her efforts.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
First Day of Kindergarten
It was my hope The Lollygagger would meet another little boy who would become her new BFF. She had her heart broken in her preschool year by Matthew. They were to marry, after all, and he broke her heart by running off with another girl. She pined all summer.
Then she got the Thank You card from another boy who's birthday party she attended. The closing said "Love Ben." She thought that meant he actually loved her. She was on track to forget all about the first guy, what's-his-name. But it was destined to end.
While in Summer Camp, she met a new boy, Brenden. Brenden, it turns out is also attending the same karate dojo, and they see each other twice a week in the evenings as well as at school. He's a year older, so they only see each other on the playground.
Turns out the same little girl who Matthew ran off with at the end of last year is in her class. She spotted The Lollygagger playing with her newest BFF, Brenden, and moved in for the kill. Will Brenden take the bait? Will he turn into another Matthew? Will the Lollygagger idelly sit by and watch it all happen again or will she pull out the hair of the little boy-steeling "meanie" before she can steel Brenden away?
I thought this stuff started in High School. How is it such drama happens in Kindergarten?
Stay tuned.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Blue Doggie
Recently, she bought a pack of those balloons that you can twist into crazy flowers or animals. The Lollygaggers daddy was talked into collapsing his lungs to get a few blown up and managed to fill a long blue balloon.
Then it was my turn.
She hands it to me and told me to please make "something" out of the balloon.
...Ah, what? Make something?
Alright, I'll give it the 'ol college try.
So, I started to twist the poor thing here and there, making no progress at all. Then suddenly, I could see a pattern. I untwisted in a few places and tried again.
The next thing I knew I made this blue dog.
Who knew I had such a talent? I couldn't do it again if I tried everyday for a million years.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Raspberry Preserves
Oh, and high places. I don't care for heights.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Toys, Toys, everywhere Toys
She's got toys everywhere.
I step on them, trip on them, and have fallen over them.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hello Kitty Sandals
The thing is, she has never worn a pair of shoes or sandals with such frequency before. This is the first time she has ever actually worn out a pair of anything; shoes, sandals, pants, shirts, dresses, hats, you name it.
She usually out grows her clothing and shoes long before she can wear them out, which is why I find this so amusing.
What good mother would allow her Lollygagger to continue wearing such a raggedy pair of shoes? I guess I'd have to raise my hand to that question. What could I do? She loves them. Loves, loves, loves them.
Maybe it's the color, or the Hello Kitty Charm on the top, or the little heel. It's anyone's guess why she feels this way about her sandals.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Irony or burocrocy?
We've heard it all: We don't have a key, so can't clean. We don't want to be accused of a stealing a computer. We only clean the Pharmacy, so can't help you. Excuse, excuse, excuse.
Our manager, who is terrific at getting people to do the right thing, placed a work order to get the training rooms cleaned. Never happened.
A co-trainer broke down and called the Housekeeping team this morning and demanded someone come to the training room and clean it.
... so, someone came to the training room.
She called her manager, who called her manager, who promised to get someone out to clean the training rooms.
So, long story short, someone from Housekeeping came out. She has yet to clean anything, but managed to leave a wadded paper towel on our counter for one of us to throw away.
Irony, bureaucracy, or both?