Saturday, September 5, 2009

Toys, Toys, everywhere Toys

The Lollygagger has a storage problem. She is limited on space for all of her toys. She has toys stuffed in her book case, next to her book case, in a corner beside the couch, in her closet, in and behind her bed.

She's got toys everywhere.

I step on them, trip on them, and have fallen over them.

We've tried to clean things up a bit by packing up some of the toys she's outgrown, but she always finds them in the garage and must, simply must, play with them.

So, we've recently tried another tact. We plan to donate them to other little girls who don't have any toys to play with. She likes this idea, and has started to make some choices of what she will give away, and what she will save for a rainy day.

She's well on her way to having a clean corner for her toys and reclaiming her bookshelf.

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