Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sleeping Trees

Recently, on her daily trek to Kindergarten, the Lollygagger asked her daddy "Do trees lay down and sleep at night?"
What a wonder the world is to a small child.

In his explanation, the Lollygagger's daddy expressed the goodness of trees and the mirice they are. It brings to mind the poem by Alfred Joyce Kilmer:

"What a magnificent thing a tree is! A tiny seed falls into the lap of God’s earth; it rests its sleepy cheek on earth’s warm bosom and goes to sleep. After a time of slumber, it awakens and new life is birthed. The new world of light and rain and singing birds calls it to rise toward the sun. Programmed by its Maker, it feels and finds everything it needs; it gathers food from the dirt, nourishment from the rocks, drink from the earth’s streams and rain-soaked earth. It miraculously weaves each ray of sunshine until its coat is a living green. It bows and bends to the winds and storms; it stretches toward the rising sun; it raises its branches to the praise of its Creator; it spreads them out to bless the earth; it invites birds and animals to rest and raise their young among its boughs." ~Alfred Joyce Kilmer
The Lollygagger loves the trees when they are covered in snow. She loves the trees when they are bare and leafless. She loves the trees when they are filled with their canopy of blessings.

...and she worries about them.

"Mommy, are the trees cold?"

"Daddy, do the trees lay down and sleep at night?"
We have so many beautiful trees in our little Mayberry town, yet it's easy to forget how wonderful they are. So, this post is for the Evergreens and for the trees in our canyon loosing their leaves in preparation of winter.
We look forward to thier blessings next year.

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