Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Sister will never go to hell - part I

My sister lives in Utah in a simple little house perched on the top of a hill. She shares her spacious property with:

a) 9 horses (only a few of which are hers, the others were dumped on her by an ailing neighbor who promised to pay for their expensive care, but hasn't)

b) 7 or 8 cats (most of which she has because her children move back home and don't seem to take the cats with them when they move back out).

c) 3 or 4 dogs (of which two belong to other people, one of which she rescued when the owner moved and locked up the dog in a house and left him to die there. It was discovered by a realtor weeks later still alive. The owner was her son-in-laws sister. She's a winner.)

d) her son, husband, and until recently, her youngest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson.

Though she's going broke to support them all and her house is only two bedrooms she never complains.

My sister has a heart of gold. She's way too nice for her own good. I try to encourage her to be more like me, but she refuses because she doesn't want to go to hell.

I don't think I'm going to hell, but compared to her, I'm more likely to go than she is. I mean I might say things like "your son-in-laws birth certificate was an apology from the condom company" but that shouldn't send me to hell, should it?

She supported her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson in her home for the first year of her grandson's life. The sphincter (son-in-law) claimed to be unable to read or write, and claimed a severe case of dyslexia and was incapable of reading a job application and certainly wasn't able to read the classified section. Blah, blah, blah. Excuses, excuses.

Then, without a word, the sphincter packed them up and moved to San Francisco. Not so much as a thank you or "F" you, they just left, without notice. The sphincter treated my sister with rudeness and malice during his sponging and never once had the courtesy of taking out the trash, let alone get a job.

Then, just as predicted, they called her and begged to return. Again, she's way too nice. Had it been me, the answer would have been a resounding NO! But she took them in again, with the full understanding they must both get jobs.

Before their retrun, he, the sphincter, had her daughter ask if his Nephew could come visit for a week before summers end, and like the good hearted lady she is, she said yes, believing at least one of them would have a job and help pay the nephews way as well as their own.

Can you see it coming?

Wait for it....

They moved in, never sought jobs, brought the nephew who stayed a month, never helped out around the house, displayed rude and resentful behavior, then after sucking the life out of my sister, and using up her last nickel, they moved again.

This time, the sphincter left a Thank You note. It read something like this:

1) You're a mean and rude bitch. (This was because she asked him to not pour coffee until it was finished brewing. Yeah, she's pretty mean.)

2) I'm placing you on 'probation' until your attitude changes. You will not be allowed to see my son for at least a year. (um, I thought he belonged to his wife too, my mistake.)

3) You and your son belong to the Keeper. (He claims to be a follower of Wicken, what ever that is. My sister called a Wicken chapter found on the Internet to ask what that meant. She was told the "Keeper" is in reference to Satanism and they do not subscribe to that line of thought.)

4) Your son is lazy. (That's rich!)

There's more to the appalling letter, but I don't have that calm and peaceful nature my sister does. If I continued to list the points of his "thank you" note, I might be compelled to track him down and poke him in the eye!

Whooh, that was an unleashing of anger, sorry. ...I'm better now.

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