Sunday, September 6, 2009

Raspberry Preserves

I'm a thrillseeker. I'll try most anything once, so long as it doesn't involve water, fire, or snot. The water and fire are self explanitory, the snot on the other hand, well it's just gross.

Oh, and high places. I don't care for heights.

Last week I took my Lollygagger and my mother to pick Raspberries. I couldn't possibly eat the amount of Raspberries we came home with, so I decided to step out and do something I've never tried before.
I canned Raspberry Preserves.
... no, really. I did.
It was The Pioneer Woman who inspired me to try it. She made it seem so simple. Her step-by-step picture tutorial looked something like this, but with actual information on how to do it.

So, how did it turn out? Not that great.

The first batch was runny, so I labled it Raspberry Syrup. Clever, eh? The next batch seemed to be better, so I felt validated in using the word Preserves on the label.

All-in-all, it was a good experience and I will do it again as soon as I can.

I even discovered a recipe for Banana Preserves. Could be good; or turn out to be the texture of snot.
Which would just be gross.

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